
We are glad to announce that the new peer-reviewed scientific journal, Letters in Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (LNAA) with ISSN: 2958-874X, will be launched at the beginning of 2023. It will be an open-access journal and published online only. There will be no page charge or any charge! It is a non-profit journal. We aim to serve the academic community by publishing highly qualified papers in a prominent journal that is freely open to everybody.

Regarding the funding problems for researchers in mathematics, we aim to protect the quality of the publication of our community in this way. Sure, it will not solve all the academy’s problems, but it can be a good example to show that “we always can do better.” Indeed, as a researcher, publishing new results is what we have done: “we always can do better.”

All highly qualified research papers, as well as selected review papers, are welcome.

October 25, 2022,