Relatives of a Theorem of Rus-Hicks-Rhoades


  • Sehie Park The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea, Seoul 06579; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea


complete metric space, fixed point, poset, fixed point theorem, preorder, stationary point, maximal element


Let \((X, d)\) be a complete metric space and  \(f : X \to X\) a map satisfying \(d(fx, f^2x) \le \alpha d(x, fx)\) for every \(x\in X\), where \(0 < \alpha < 1\). The fixed point theorems due to Rus (1973) and Hicks-Rhoades (1979) on such maps were extended or improved by Park (1980), Harder-Hicks-Saliga (1993), Suzuki (2001), and Jachymski (2003). Moreover, fixed point theorems of Zermelo (1904), Banach (1922), Caristi (1976), extended versions for multimaps due to Nadler (1969) and Covitz-Nadler (1970) are also closely related to the Rus-Hicks-Rhoades theorem. Finally, we unify these theorems based on a particular form of our 2023 Metatheorem.


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S. Park, Equivalents of various theorems of Zermelo, Zorn, Ekeland, Caristi and others, to appear.

S. Park, Equivalents of some ordered fixed point theorems, J. Adv. Math. Com. Sci. 38(1) (2023), 52--67.





