A History of Contraction Principles


  • Sehie Park The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea, Seoul 06579; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea


06A75, 47H10, 54E35, 54H25, 58E30, 65K10


Recently we obtained several extensions of the Banach contraction principle, which appears frequently in many literatures. From our 2023 Metatheorem, we deduce Theorem H on the equivalent formulations of completeness of quasi-metric spaces. From Theorem H, we derive the Banach contraction principle, its extended form (Theorem Q), the Rus-Hicks-Rhoades contraction principle (Theorem P), and others. Consequently, our Theorem H contains well-known theorems of Banach, Covitz-Nadler, Oettli-Th´era, Rus-Hicks-Rhoades, and some others.


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